How are we doing in 2024?


Updated 8/26/2024

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  • Livi's Tribe donates in honor of Olivia St John

Livi’s Tribe Donates in Honor of Olivia St John

July 24th, 2024|Latest News|

Amazing Grace Food Pantry received over 450 pounds of food as well as a hefty cash donation in honor of Olivia St John this week. Every year, “Livi’s Tribe” selects a charity in memory of their 5yr old daughter, Olivia St John, who passed away after a tragic car accident in 2017.

Our hearts go out to this dear family in the loss of this precious Angel and celebrate with them as they minister to others with this special tribute to Livi. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to a lost loved one.

God Bless You, Livi’s Tribe!

Amazing Grace Food Pantry is exclusively a volunteer organization, relying upon the talent and generosity of community members to procure, sort and distribute over 60 TONS of food every month to area families. This monumental undertaking is only possible due to the altruism and support received each and every week from people just like you.

  • Do you have some free time on your hands?
  • Do you enjoy helping those in need?
  • Do you want to give back in some way that really changes the quality of life for someone?

We also welcome volunteer groups! If your church, youth or corporate group would like to schedule a day to volunteer as a team building exercise, or to regularly adopt group-size tasks (e.g. yard work, improvements, cleanup, etc.), we’d love to hear from you! Call (972) 292-7241 to leave a voicemail message or use use the contact form on our Volunteer page.

No time to volunteer? That’s okay, too! Visit our Donation page to arrange a monthly donation. No amount is too small!


Volunteering at Amazing Grace Food Pantry has been very gratifying to me. In fact, I often gain more than I give, by allowing me to contribute to a worthwhile cause, I help people in need.

It has also given me the opportunity to communicate and build bonds with others while also working on my self-confidence. Amazing Grace has taught me the value of orderliness and hard work. I see so much food being distributed and yet they still manage to pull it all together and get the job done. It has been a pleasure volunteering at Amazing Grace Food Pantry, I appreciate the opportunity to serve.

Danelle at Amazing Grace Food Pantry

Take the time to read some of the testimonials from clients and volunteers on our website. Volunteer or donate this year. It will bless you!

Please share this and our other posts on your Facebook timeline, tweet it out on Twitter or forward via email. Many people looking to help or looking for help don't even know that ours and other pantries exist. Let others know there's help for them out there!

More ways YOU can help in the Fight Against Hunger in North Texas

  1. Visit our Volunteer Page to find out how you can get involved directly to make a difference.
  2. Consider arranging a recurring monthly donation by visiting our Donation Pageno amount is too small.
  3. Use your Kroger Community Rewards Card. Enter our number 92895 to have a portion of your total purchase benefit Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  4. Visit the Target Gift Registry to review a list of needed items such as canned beans, canned veggies, soups and hygiene products.
  5. Spread the word about us to your friends, family and coworkers! Ask your favorite businesses if they support Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
  6. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and be sure to share our posts on your timeline.

The volunteers at Amazing Grace Food Pantry and the growing number of clients thank you for your help in fighting hunger in Collin County and North Texas. If you have any questions, comments or would like to know more, feel free to use our Contact Page or call us at (972) 292-7241.

Food Pantry Hours

Tuesdays 10:00AM – 2:00PM

Thursdays 6:00PM – 8:00PM

Saturdays 8:00AM – 12:-00PM

Please review the Pantry Calendar for schedule changes, events and closing announcements.

Holiday Closings for 2024

Independence Day, Thursday, July 4th
Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 28th
Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th

Pantry Projects

Google Rating
Based on 134 reviews

Bible verse of the day

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

We are grateful to these and many more organizations for providing support for our food pantry and ultimately our clients and the community.

Elegant Fireside and Patio
Marvel Carwash
AO Door
First Baptist Church Murphy
Rockwall Dodge
Acry-Tech Coatings
EnviroSafe Pest Control
Structured Building Solutions
Minimalist Apps
Chase Oaks Church
Farmers Electric Cooperative
Tom Thumb
Elevate Church
Bloomfield Homes
North Texas Food Bank
Community Waste Disposal
Morning Star Storage
Culleoka Baptist Church
Signalnet Broadband

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